Lymphocyte Activation Lab

New lab members!

During the fall 2021, our lab grew with a postdoc Saara Hämälistö, PhD student Blanca Tejeda and an Erasmus intern Özge Balcı! Super-exited! A generation change is on the way 😃

Welcome Amna Music

Welcome, Amna, our new project researcher! “New generation” of the lab starts to form!

Welcome Elmeri and Eveliina!

Belated corona-spring personnel news: Elmeri started his Master’s thesis project in the midst of the lab shutdown. Now back in the lab!

Eveliina, a new undergraduate student, helped us to get things progressing again in the lab after the shutdown. Eveliina will continue as a part time research assistant during her studies.

Paper accepted!

We are pleased to announce that our latest manuscript, titled “Missing-In-Metastasis / Metastasis Suppressor 1 regulates B cell receptor signaling, B cell metabolic potential and T cell-independent immune responses”, has been approved for production and accepted for publication in Frontiers in Immunology.

A preprint of the paper, can be found at bioRxiv.

Many thanks to all involved!

New MSc student!

Elmeri, a student from the Master’s program in Biomedical Imaging joins the lab! Welcome!